This week’s mental sunshine is something I hope will improve your mood fairly simply.
The tip is to bake a cake – either for yourself or someone else.
Yes, I know that sounds a bit strange, but hear me out.
Firstly, you don’t need to be great at baking.
Giving someone a cake you’ve baked is a wonderful gesture where it really is the thought that counts
The person receiving it won’t care if it’s not perfect or doesn’t look quite like one of the ones on the shelf at the supermarket.
And as I’ve mentioned in previous emails, giving something to someone else – whether it’s a compliment or a gift – can actually improve your mood.
When that gift is something you’ve made yourself, it feels even better!
Of course, you could opt to keep the cake for yourself – eating something you’ve made for yourself from scratch is a very satisfying feeling.
Plus there’s an element of self-care in going to the trouble to bake a cake for yourself.
If you’re new to baking, here’s a simple all-in-one recipe that should do the job.
And of course, if I’ve inspired you to try this – I’d love to hear about how you get on – and share a photo of your cake!
(or if you really can’t bake you could cheat and get a professional like my wonderfully talented friend Emily to make some for you to give away…)