As we approach the new year I have been reflecting some of the things (now ingrained habits) that have helped me maintain a state of mental sunshine over the last 12 months
So here’s my Top 10 Daily Habits (that I will be continuing into 2022)
1. Wake up at 5.15am & jump in a cold shower
2. Journaling daily affirmations
3. Meditation – turning inside for answers
4. Avoiding the News
5. Being aware of my awareness (maintaining a sense of inner peace)
6. No alcohol
7. Physical Exercise
8. Being grateful to everyone and everything in my life
9. Giving the best possible service
10. Reading before bedtime (mainly old personal development books)
Reflect and wake up to new beginnings in 2022
I’d love to know what new habits you’ve formed over the last 12 months that have helped you maintain your state of mental sunshine – Or which new ones you will start and continue in 2022
Thank you for your continued support and I wish you a prosperous New Year full of mental sunshine