Your Weekly Dose of Mental Sunshine

The mind works best when it is in a state of mental sunshine.

“… no mental growth can take place without mental sunshine. Accordingly, we should resolve to be happy no matter what may transpire. We cannot afford to be otherwise. Sunshine will melt the most massive iceberg if the rays are direct and the clouds are kept away; and it is the same in daily life. No matter how cold, disagreeable and uncongenial your present environment may be, plenty of mental sunshine can change it all.” Christian D Larson

Receive a weekly dose of mental sunshine direct to your inbox every Thursday morning as part of our mission to awaken Joy, Confidence and Positivity…

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This week’s dose of mental sunshine is all about optimism. I’m a big fan of The Optimist Creed, which was written by Christian D Larson in 1912: I Promise Myself: To be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person I meet To make […]


How’s your week been? I trust you have been using some of last weeks tips to help with thinking positively. This week’s weekly dose of mental sunshine is all about setting goals. When you mention goal setting, a lot of people think of great big goals like climbing a mountain or doubling sales in your […]

Positive Thinking

This week’s dose of mental sunshine is all about thinking positively. Thinking positively is not about denying how you feel. If you think you’re having a rubbish day, then that’s the way you will feel. If you think you’re having a good day, then that’s the way you will feel. And you will probably find […]


Each week in this email, I try to give you a tip or idea for something you can do that might bring you some mental sunshine. One of the ways I am learning and understanding more about mental sunshine is by reading. Lots and lots of reading And reading leads on to thinking (from a […]

Mental Health

How are you feeling today? I mean really – how are you feeling? We’ve all been through a fairly stressful time over the last couple of years, and that has meant for many of us that our mental health has not been as good as it can be. This Sunday (October 10th) is World Mental […]


How is your week going so far? Are things feeling bright and yellow like sunshine… or a bit drab and gray like a winter sky? This week’s email is all about colours, and how they can affect your mood. Did you know that orange is the colour of optimism? I love it and try to […]


Are you happy today? How is your mental weather; a bit cloudy or hazy, or bright sunshine? This week’s mental sunshine tip is one that might not sound like your cup of tea. However… Meditation… When we hear the word “meditation” we might think of a monk chanting “Ommmmmmm” for hours at a time in […]


When was the last time you had a good laugh? I don’t mean the kind of polite “ha ha yes, that’s very amusing” laugh; I mean full on belly laughing! Laughing is really good for you. It actually makes your brain release endorphins, causing you to feel good. As well as this, it causes you […]


How are you feeling today? However you’re feeling, I’m hopeful that this weeks tip for mental sunshine will help you to feel a bit brighter and lighter. It’s another simple one, but might make you feel a bit awkward: This week is all about singing… Yes, just put on your favourite song, and sing along! […]

Do Nothing

How’s your week going? Are you getting lots done? You’re probably multitasking a fair amount too if you’re anything like me. I always seem to have several things on the go at the same time. These days, with smartphones and social media and endless different apps, it feels like we need never get bored again. […]