Your Weekly Dose of Mental Sunshine

The mind works best when it is in a state of mental sunshine.

“… no mental growth can take place without mental sunshine. Accordingly, we should resolve to be happy no matter what may transpire. We cannot afford to be otherwise. Sunshine will melt the most massive iceberg if the rays are direct and the clouds are kept away; and it is the same in daily life. No matter how cold, disagreeable and uncongenial your present environment may be, plenty of mental sunshine can change it all.” Christian D Larson

Receive a weekly dose of mental sunshine direct to your inbox every Thursday morning as part of our mission to awaken Joy, Confidence and Positivity…

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The Power of Yet

How has your week been so far? If your answer is something like “not too great…” this week’s suggestion is the one for you! This is so simple, but can really help to turn your mood around. This week we’re talking about the power of YET. Basically, any time you find yourself thinking or saying […]


Happy Thinking Thursday! This week’s mental sunshine is all about thinking and changing the way you think. I know you might think it’s impossible to change your thoughts – but actually, you can. My interest in thoughts and thinking have been sparked by reading books by New Thought authors like Neville Goddard, Thomas Troward, and […]

Habit Stacking

How are you with new habits? This week’s Mental Sunshine is all about how you can get new habits to stick in your life. It’s inspired by an author named James Clear, who talks a lot about habits. He says that if you want to get a new habit to stick, you shouldn’t try and […]


This week’s mental sunshine is all about scents and smells. I love the smell of newly cut grass; it just smells so fresh. We all have that certain smell that can transport us back to childhood, whether that’s the inside of a tin of sweets at Christmas, a particular meal our mum used to cook […]

Cold Water Swimming

How has your week been so far? My aim with these weekly emails is to suggest small things you can do to bring more mental sunshine into your life – things to make things feel a little brighter. You might think today’s suggestion sounds like the last thing you’d want to do on a cold […]


This week’s mental sunshine is something that sounds terribly fancy – but is actually the most simple thing in the world. Interoception… Interoception is the sense of what is going on in your body. It’s a great word to drop into a conversation if you want to seem very intellectual and knowledgeable! More than that […]


How is your week going so far? This week’s mental sunshine is an easy one: Listen to podcasts. Podcasts are a great way to learn something new, to expand your horizons and – yes – to brighten your day. You can listen to them while you’re in the bathroom or eating breakfast, or on your […]

Gut Health

Welcome to this week’s dose of mental sunshine, which is all about gut health. You might be wondering what your gut has to do with your mood – but did you know that 95% of the serotonin in your body is produced by your gut? Serotonin is a key mood stabilising hormone; we need it […]

Be Inspired

At this time of year we’re often inspired by the concept of a new year, a clean slate, a fresh start. It can make us feel like starting a new project, taking up a challenge or doing something different. This week’s Mental sunshine is designed to help you with that feeling of inspiration. One thing […]

Mindful Eating

Well, here we are – It’s 2022 and I wish you and your nearest & dearest a year full of mental sunshine 🙂 I have lots more tips etc planned to share with you throughout the year to help make you think and make a difference to help your mental sunshine. Lot’s of people may […]