
How’s your week been?

I trust you have been using some of last weeks tips to help with thinking positively.

This week’s weekly dose of mental sunshine is all about setting goals.

When you mention goal setting, a lot of people think of great big goals like climbing a mountain or doubling sales in your business.

Those are great goals – but there’s a lot to be said for setting smaller goals too.

Smaller goals – either as part of a bigger overall goal or just on their own – can be a great way of maintaining momentum and motivation.

And hitting a goal can be brilliant for your mood, especially if you are hitting goals on a regular basis or can keep up that feeling that you are moving in the right direction.

One of my goals for this year was no alcohol – and 10 months in I am still going strong. So much so I may extend to even longer than a year as I am recognising the health benefits.

It can be tempting to put off goal setting until Monday – or until the beginning of a new month or year.

But why not strike now, while the iron is hot, as they say?

What can you set a goal to achieve, right now?

It might be that you want to climb that mountain or run that marathon – but you also might want to just get the kitchen clean or get on top of the garden.

There are lots of different protocols for goal setting.

One way is to set SMART goals.

S – Specific – detail exactly what you want to do.
M – Measurable – you need to be able to measure it, so that you know when you’ve definitely achieved it
A – Achievable – there’s nothing wrong with setting a big goal, but make sure it’s still possible!
R – Realistic – is it likely that you’ll be able to do this?
T – Timely – setting yourself a deadline is a great way to motivate yourself and to ensure it gets done.

Another way is to set yourself a BFHAG

B – Big
F – Fat
H – Hairy
A – Audacious
G – Goal

And just go for it.

The brain and nervous system have a built-in automatic guidance system and will strive to work out a way of getting there, no matter what way you like to set goals.
BTW this mechanism works equally as well for success as well as failure, so be careful what goals you program into it.

If you are struggling, set a goal for something really simple, that won’t take you too long to achieve it. Then, when you achieve it, use that motivation to help propel you into the next goal, and the next and the next!

Me, I like to set BFHAG’s. What about you and what goals have you set for yourself?