How has your week been so far?
My aim with these weekly emails is to suggest small things you can do to bring more mental sunshine into your life – things to make things feel a little brighter.
You might think today’s suggestion sounds like the last thing you’d want to do on a cold February morning – but trust me when I tell you it’s my favourite way to brighten up my day.
This week’s mental sunshine is cold water swimming.
I know, I know. Brrrrr, right?
Well yes, there’s no getting away from it – swimming in cold water is cold.
There are massive, immediate benefits to cold water swimming.
Swimming in cold water activates endorphins, so that you feel a genuine high.
In fact, a 2018 study found that swimming in cold water led to an “immediate improvement in mood” for a person diagnosed with major depressive disorder and anxiety.
You know that feeling of apprehension you get before doing something scary, like speaking on stage in front of loads of people, or doing a bungee jump – and then that brilliant exhilarating feeling of I DID IT! afterwards?
That’s what I get each time I go cold water swimming.
And that buzz lasts all day long
9 Feb, 06.45am, water temp 5 degrees, mental sunshine factor + 100%
Add in the sense of community to be found at any open water space for swimming as popularity gains momentum. It’s clear that doing this is great for your mental sunshine levels.
Plus: it’s a great form of exercise, which is also good for you!
So double whammy.
Have you ever tried cold water swimming?
Have I persuaded you to give it a go?
Come and join me….
As usual, I’d love to hear your thoughts!