Good morning from sunny Glastonbury…
Yes, you read that right – I am currently at the Glastonbury Festival.
My very first time at the festival.
And it’s even more special as I am with my lovely daughter Ruby…
This week’s Mental Sunshine is all about having a bucket list – or as my friend Emily likes to call it, a “Life List” and making sure you tick things off it!
For those who don’t know what a bucket list is – it’s basically a list of things you want to do before you kick the bucket!
I think everyone should have a bucket list – but fill it with the things we want to do just for the sheer fun and enjoyment.
Not a list of achievements and work goals, which has its place, but is unlikely to bring you as much Mental Sunshine,
And that’s what we’re all about here.
In my opinion, a bucket list should be filled with fun things that make you feel amazing –
The kind of list of experiences where it’s hard to pick which thing you want to do next because they all just look like loads of fun.
Skydiving over the Palm Dubai
Climbing Machu Picchu
Bungee Jumping
Seeing the Northern Lights
Ice skating on a frozen lake
Standing under a waterfall
Being at Glastonbury Festival this weekend is something that I’ve wanted to do for years, And I feel very fortunate that we got tickets when they became available last year
It’s not a business opportunity; it’s not for personal growth and development; it’s just something I’ve always wanted to do for fun.

When’s the last time you did something, just for fun?
Perhaps now is the time to start!
Why not start writing your own fun bucket list.
And more importantly, start ticking things off with a smile!