‘Meet the Expert’

You may have caught me speaking earlier this month at Duccio Zambrini‘s ‘Meet the Expert’ event at Home House. Along with headshot photography, public speaking is one of my passions. Home House is a beautiful venue and as all of Duccio Zambrini’s events tend to go it was sold out, all the makings of a good night.  meet the expert

As part of the event, I photographed the first twenty people to arrive to give them a feel for what I do and how I work. I then gave a talk on how to achieve a great headshot and covered a range of topics including:

– How a headshot is an investment in you and your brand
What your headshot says about you
– Work your wardrobe, bring a range of styles and colours to your shoot (I was particularly impressed with the variety of colours at this event)
The Duchenne Smile, a real smile reaches the eyes
– Confidence and Approachability
– Have fun with it and enjoy your shoot
Establishing rapport with your photographer
Uses of your headshot
How to use photoshop in the right way

It was an all round successful night, a great vibe and a lot of positive feedback going back and forth. I even had a few tweets telling me how much they admired their new headshot, with their profile picture reflecting this.

The next event I am speaking at will be Shooting Beauty’s ‘The Art of Selling Yourself’ on Wednesday 25th September. I will be covering topics such as my best networking strategies, helping freelancers make the most of themselves as well as their skills and how to get noticed and propel your career. If this sounds like something you would enjoy please come along, book your tickets here. 
