The photograph you use on your online dating profile is as important as the words you use. It needs to show the authentic you: attractive, open and engaging. It will make the difference between the right people leaving your page or staying to find out more about you.
All it takes is 90 minutes or so with The Headshot Guy®, about the same amount of time it would take to write your online profile. So imagine how that perfect photograph that captures you, your personality and charisma will make you feel about yourself. For something as important to you as finding the perfect partner you need a The Headshot Guy® headshot – because you are worth it!
Perhaps the idea of a professional portrait session is not for you. Maybe you are one of the many people we meet who are convinced that a good photo cannot be taken of them. Let our team of specially trained headshot photographers show you that this is not true. Our warm, approachable and calm and will put you at ease, so we can capture that twinkle in your eye! Before you know it, we will have found the exact angle, the best lighting and the perfect moment to capture the very best of you that you can be proud of forever.
We have a number of shoot options for online dating headshots.
Please contact us for more details.