Tuesday 20th October Photography was a business portrait shoot with Peter & Julie Morris of Pinewood Asset Finance
Attended a Marketing Strategy Workshop on Wednesday run by “marketing guru” Nigel Temple. It was a very valuable day for both me and 10 other members of The Marketing Compass. I came away with some great “low cost” marketing ideas and a much clearer picture of my marketing plan. It was great listening to other members of The Marketing Compass and my photo business cards were a big hit – I even think I may actually be getting to grips with this whole “Marketing” thing!!
Joined the FSB on Thursday and went to the East Berkshire branch AGM where I was persuaded to join the committee by my friend Jon Davey from Business in Berkshire. I’m really looking forward to working alongside Mary Flavelle, Berkshire’s Queen of Networking” who was elected as Chairman.
Busy day on Friday with jobs for Samsung, who were doing a charity walk in aid of Breast Cancer. This was followed by a shoot with the Directors of Wellness Foods for their new newsletter. A big thanks to Karen and the team at KCA kitchens design in Winkfield for allowing us to use their wonderful showroom as a background for part of the shoot.
Jeremy & Jo @ unity*dc web designs were next in front of my lens ending another busy week.