The Little Voice

How’s that little negative voice in your head?

You know the one, the one that tells you you’re an idiot because you forgot that thing.

The running commentary in your head, keeping you updated on just how much of a loser you are, and how everything is going to go badly wrong, really soon.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 21 (and a bit) years on this planet, it’s that you can’t shut that voice up.

Even the people you think are all Zen and calm have that voice too.

That voice exists to keep you safe in life

Iit doesn’t want you to take any risks.

It’s not really malicious; it’s just scared.

It’s a vital part of human survival, so shutting it up is not really an option.

Here’s the thing though….

You can’t stop the voice… and you’ve probably already tried arguing with it..

But how about this…

Give your voice a name.

Buddhist teacher Sharon Salzberg calls hers Lucy (after the Peanuts character)

Author Mo Gawdat calls his Becky.

When Becky tells you you’re going to mess everything up, say “thanks for that Becky.”

When she tells you that the people in the room you’ve just left are all talking about what an idiot you are, say “ok Becky, thanks for the input.”

I found this video where Sharon talks about her inner Lucy…

I love how she simply responds with Chill out Lucy

Everyone has an inner critic who shouts us down and tells us nothing good will ever happen for us.

Lots of people try to argue with it, fight with it, make it behave… but what if you just say

Oh hi, thanks for that and then get on with your day?

Try it out… let me know how you get on!