Preparing for your Team Headshot Shoot

Photo©John Cassidy The Headshot Guy® 07768 401009
Above all have fun….

The team headshot session is specifically designed to get your team members looking confident and approachable on camera. We know a lot of people hate having their photos taken so we have developed a process to make this a fun and enjoyable experience. Please do let us know if any of your team have any particular issues about being photographed. Time allowing we can review their shots on the computer thus addressing any worries or concerns they may have. All you need to do is trust the process and follow our direction and guidance. We give you the tips and tricks to make you look fantastic on camera (although you may feel slightly odd in some of the positions we ask you to adopt).

We’ll usually end up with 20 to 30 potential winners per person (and possibly a few fun ones we just can’t seem to delete). These will be uploaded onto your online proofing gallery within a few days of your shoot so you can choose your favourites in your own time.

What to Wear

What you wear for your headshot is just as important to the overall image as your expression. We will work with your company guidelines, whether that’s fully suited and booted, business casual or something more relaxed. Clothing should simply enhance you and your features and keep the focus on your face. If your not sure bring along a couple of options and we’ll help you decide what works best. Here are our top 3 wardrobe rules:

Wardrobe Rule #1: Love it! – We don’t want to shoot you in anything that you feel un comfortable wearing. If your clothes don’t feel great it will show, so only bring along things you feel great in.

Wardrobe Rule #2: Bring It! – If you find yourself questioning whether or not something will work just bring it along. You can have fun with this and if you feel your wardrobe is missing something, go shopping and keep the tags on (you can always return the items you don’t want to keep after the shoot).

Wardrobe Rule #3: Bring Colour! Please avoid black, it’s not aways the most flattering colour and it can draw attention to your body and make you appear larger. Bold colours can work really well so don’t be afraid to experiment.


The key to a great headshot is expression. We know a lot of people hate having their photo taken and often freeze in front of the camera resulting in blank faces. We’re looking for confidence and approachability and will direct and guide throughout the shoot. We’ll never directly ask you to smile, although a natural smile is the key to approachability. With this in mind you may like to bring along a toothbrush to give your teeth a quick once-over before your shoot.

Hair & make-up (Ladies) : Hair styling is such a personal thing so feel free to bring along a brush and whatever styling products you need in order to create your look. Buns or pony tails are great to help to open up the face. Makeup should be simple but well done so your natural assets stand out on their own. We do have a mirror, hair bands and translucent face powder just in case.  

Wrinkles, laughter lines & spots….

We can never escape the ageing process totally but we can help reduce the visible signs. Generally we use a soft wrap-around lighting which helps to naturally soften lines. We can also use some light airbrushing, although we never remove lines completely as it looks too false. Spots on the other hand, which seem to have a strange habit of appearing on the morning of your shoot, can easily be zapped out.


Glasses can cause problems, especially if you gave a strong prescription or no anti reflection coating. Our advice is to visit your opticians and ask to borrow a pair of blank frames or get them to remove your lenses for the shoot to help avoid diffraction and reflections. We can shoot some shots with and without glasses.

Above all enjoy your shoot…